Character Info


⟡ Name: Heiri Sakurai⟡ Gender: Female, She/Her⟡ Age: 23⟡ DOB: 01/09⟡ Height: 4' 10"⟡ Eye Color: Emerald Green⟡ Hair Color: Brown⟡ Sexuality: AsexualGot a moon? Ask for a code!

At a Glance


⟡ long and straight Hime style cut that seems to have a natural wind blown look⟡ Has a freckle near the outside corner of her right eye, and a beauty mark on the base of her left hand thumb⟡ An azure green diamond-like marking rests on her forehead, hidden under her bangs. it doesn't seem to be painted on⟡ She wears a traditional hingan looking dress. It's coloration being purple with pink trim. the back of the dress remains open, leaving her back bare. Heiri tends to wear open-toed shoes and shorts, hiking her dress up in a tomboyish fashion and tying it back to give her room to run.⟡ she has a bright red tattoo on her back, those sensitive to aether can tell that it seems to draw in wind aspected aether every once in a while⟡ She wears a pendant that has a deep blue hue. Looking at it closely, it can be descerned that there seems to be aether moving about within it, often described as a 'sea full of stars'. She's very protective of it and refuses to let others hold it for very long. the pendant has a silver cap to it with her name scrawled in the back in very crude-looking writing that can be compared to Hingan.

Roleplay Hooks


⟡ Heiri is a decently well known Healer. Offering potions and all manner of healing via magick. It is not uncommon to have heard of her services around Kugane and Gridania.⟡ When it comes to her dancing services, Heiri is most commonly seen in Radz-at-Han on a stage. If she's not performing for a crowd she is traveling on behalf of the conjurer's guild for a particular kind of healing service that is more focused on mental and aetherical health.⟡ for those who can sense aether, they may be able to tell that there is something strange going on with the woman. She seems to have all manner of ward over her body that is taking aether in one form or another, absorbing and storing it. To some she may seem ill, but for most this will go unnoticed. please ask to see if this hook is okay!

Current Roleplay Scenarios


⟡ Due to a run in with a biohazard, Heiri has began to change noticably in her aether. due to this she has fallen into a slight depressive state as she was kicked out of the conjurer's guild.⟡ She has come to learn of the existence of myriad worlds and is looking more into her own origins, which she often researchs and prints in her journal.⟡ Heiri is working to hunt a dangerous voidsent within the twelveswood in an attempt to save a dear ally, and is looking for any and all help she can get.⟡ Having lost her place in the conjurer's guild, she has set out to work on her own healing services in La Noscea, setting up a shop that combines both her culinary and alchemical skills, while also offering services to those who need more than just the simple tonic.

Prelude in Violet


What was meant to be born of hope and prayer, became something much more horrid. An order on a distant shard was faced with the coming of calamity, hardships that many were not ready to face were but a moment from their doorsteps. Seeking to find a solution, they turned their hopes and prayers into a being who was meant to stop the oncoming threat. But little did they know that there were few in their order who saw this being as an oppurtunity to achieve power.A group from the order, accompanied by a set of willfull adventurers, set out to stop the summoned primal. But the battle was too fierce. At the moment the primal had thrusted forth it's creation magic to alter the world around them, the present shard and source grew thin in their aetheric planes. Opening aetherical tears around the battlefield and the source's sky. to the untrained eye it would look to be that of a meterological event, but for the versed scholar it would be a phenomenom worth studying. The order members and adventurers lucky enough to not be killed in the battle were sent on an otherwise- perhaps harsher- course. Falling through the Aetherical tears to the Source, awaiting an unknown fate for themselves, and their shard.This, is but one of multiple accounts.

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Curtain rises

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A rip through the night sky, a streak piercing the Heavens. On a warm spring evening, an aetherical tear struck the sky over the Black Shroud, hurdling a young woman down to Earth... Her story just beginning. Heiri first awoke in the Black Shroud just outside of Sweetbloom Pier. though she hadn't the foggiest idea of what had happened, or who she was. The girl turned her gaze to her surroundings to find she had a strange visitor staring at her! A moogle, by the name of Kupori was watching over her curiously. shocked to see she was still alive, and eager to hide something from her view.

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Shielding a pendant he had found nearby, the moogle read its inscription, picking up the etched name and presenting the idea to Heiri. After all, it was better to be called by something rather than nothing at all! though the Hyur wasn't quite appeased with the situation, she agreed with her new naming and set off in the direction of Gridania as told by the strange moogle, to present herself to the officials for some direction for her situation.

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Finding Work

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After being sent to Gridania, word of Heiri's amnesiac personality spread soon to the student healers and Chirugeons of the city. Not wanting to become an attraction however, She took to seeking treatment from the conjurers in the conjurer's guild. soon finding a sense of home among them. The guild in turn offered her a place to work with them, earning Gil to pay for her room at the local inn during her stay. Seeing an oppurtunity to build a life for herself, she agreed, and began her contracted tasks.

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through her stay in Gridania, she learned from the conjurer's guild, picking up healing magic, and in her spare time learning how to cook delicious meals. As the guild asked her to gather herbs, she too learned how to become a proper herbalist. earning a 'promotion' of sorts and being allowed to travel to different regions where she picked up the art of dancing to help in another 'healing' matter. Though Heiri found her new life to be lacking... she needed answers.

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the Search Begins

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Desperate to seek out information on herself, she returned to Sweetbloom Pier to hunt down Kupori, luring him out with the help of her friends, and a very tasty Kupo nut. the moogle then explained that he had witnessed her falling out of the sky via some sort of aetherical tear, be it teleportation magick or otherwise, he was unaware. all he knew was that the pendant he originally found belonged to her! But it was so shiny and precious he couldn't help but take it.... sorry, Kupo!

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with the pendant and moogle in tow, she traveled while she worked, asking around and visiting unsavory and strange locations such as the Kugane Night Market, and Between the Lines Library for appraisals and knowledge. While she is indeed learning more, There are many things she is still awaiting to discover, eventually finding the truth to her story.

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⟡ Please do not try to ERP with me. All advances will be ignored and end the rp outright. I am NOT someone's little flirt friend. I'm married IRL. RP is no excuse.⟡ any and all public rp should be under FFXIV and Square Enix's ToS! If you wouldn't say or do it in the presence of your grandma, don't do it in rp!⟡ No Meta or Power gaming! This means if you don't have the ic knowledge, don't use your OOC knowledge to compensate! take it as an ic oppurtunity to learn, and remember all actions done to someone's character should be an attempt unless they express otherwise is alright.⟡ LGBTQ+ Friendly! I am part of the lgbt community myself, and prefer to have positive interactions. While I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea, please be respectful and keep your negativity to yourself. the same goes for politics and religious topics! best kept to yourself, for all parties involved when it comes to IRL topics⟡ TRIGGER WARNINGS, please use warnings in the event something very bad occurs.This is due to irl mental health and the preference to keep myself out of situations and environments that may cause bad habit relapses. I will decide if it's best for me to stay or 'skip' said scenario's details. if a 'skip' is done, an overview of the scenario is all that's needed. No bloody details.⟡ While Heiri's story is unique, she is in no means a buffed, or main character. the story is simply meant for flavor and to add a small storyline that can be played out by multiple parties, think of it as she is simply here to guide others along on a journey if interested!⟡ There is a hidden button on the carrd for those who want a deeper look into Heiri's Lore, if you're curious enough to go looking for it, good luck!

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Hello! I'm Heiri (Hey-dee) Sakurai! A 2D EnVtuber and artist. I'm not new to RP as I have done it for many years and have even moderated for rp communities both forum and in games since 2015!I've an interest in herbal pharmacuticals and am studying to be a professional herbalist irl. I do have a few mental disabilities such as anxieties and BPD, please bear with me on the tougher days!I'm an eclectic witch, and often do tarot readings upon request when available! While not working on my craft or studying, I am often playing games such as ffxiv and streaming on twitch as a Vtuber.As an added bonus, I have begun working with epoxy resin to make FFXIV themed job stones! A link will be added shortly for where to buy them!thank you for reading, and I hope to have a wonderful rp experience with you!